+32 493 16 77 37 | SQUARE DE MEEUS 21 – 1050 IXELLES


We do everything so that you can practice every day wherever you are

  • « I can’t move around » All our activities are both face-to-face and “online”
  • « When I am at home or on vacation, I do not always have the required equipment » We lend you the right equipment
  • « I would have come today, unfortunately I forgot to take my things this morning » We provide you with a resident locker in which you can leave your personal belongings
  • « I do not have the same availability throughout the day » All our activities are organized at the strong moments of the day with adapted durations (morning: session 15 to 30 min, noon: session 30 to 45 min, evening: session 45 to 90 min)
  • « During the weekend, I am not alone » Come with the person of your choice without further formality



Enjoy an unlimited access to all our virtual classes (via streaming).
This option is ideal for people who cannot attend physically to the classes.
For Circuit Training, the classes are suitable for a minimum of material. You can go as far as a rubber band, two light dumbbells (8-10% of your weight) and a heavy dumbbell (20-25% of your weight), but often a simple bottle of water will do :).


No activity with a complicated name, with us only sweat and good mood.

Circuit training

Intense training, therefore quite cardio, based on a natural functional activity to your body. No heavy dumbbells, coordination, pleometry, everything to make your body efficient. 3 sets of 10 exercises, 1 set lasts 10 minutes, each minute, 1 exercise for 45 sec then 15 sec rest


Learn how to reduce your stress. Rhythmic, fluid, gracious and functional movements will help you find a general balance.


We offer a large variety of different yoga styles for you to walk the path of self-discovery.



Enjoy an unlimited access to all our classes on site or anywhere via streaming.

Depending on the availability, we can rent the materials and you can also have your resident private locker so you will never have to remember to take your outfit when you’re about to leave for the office.

The first course is free !

Don’t hesitate to book your trial, it’s easy and risk-free. You just need to create your free account on BESPORT


  • The first time you come, we discuss together your goals in order to identify together how to achieve them
  • Need for something more specific, preparation for a sporting event, medical follow-up… ? Our personal trainers and physiotherapists are at your disposal
  • Want to relax after all these efforts, why not a massage. We practice the Shiatsu (It is a manipulative therapy developed in Japan and incorporating techniques of anma (Japanese traditional massage), acupressure, stretching, and Western massage. Shiatsu involves applying pressure to special points or areas on the body in order to maintain physical and mental well being, treat disease, or alleviate discomfort.). Come simply with loose and comfortable clothes, our masseurs will do the rest.


Be Nomad
Fresque Be Nomad



5 + 13 =

Opening hours

Monday – Friday : 7am – 8:30pm

Saturday : 10am – 2pm

Closed on Sunday

I book my free trial !